Sunday, November 28, 2010

Poinsettia Princess

Hi Everyone,

Janice taught how to make angels at Guild today. She did an amazing job and there were many beautiful angels that were created today. You'll be able to see the pictures here when they get posted.

I couldn't get my wings to work so instead I decided to change her into a princess. I confess to having no patience with the hair at all so Karen stepped in and did the hair for me. Hair was one of Karen's favourite things so it worked out well.

I'm super thrilled with her and I think the poinsettia cane is a wonderful accent.




Fiona said...

What a great idea.

Anonymous said...

She is Superbe! And you cane is great with it.

Sharon House said...

I think your "princess angel" is beautiful Sandy... putting the little slices of the poinsetta cane around the bottom of her cape sets it off in a very lovely way. You have every reason to be thrilled with her... she is gorgeous... as all princesses should be.
