First off, and most importantly - as promised, I've donated a quarter to Plan Canada for each entrant (there were over 200). That places us just under $60. For sixty dollars I've decided to buy:
Mosquito nets in Uganda, which helps to save a family of five, and School Supplies for a child in Sierra Leone
This way I'm contributing to education (very important to me) and to health (also very important).
So thanks to everyone for entering the giveaway. Know that you've helped a good cause.
Before I get to the winners,
One entrant has a very touching and inspirational blog. A fellow Canadian blogger, Renee is suffering from inflammatory breast cancer. I am making a Bottle of Hope for her and will be sending that out to her as part of the giveaway.
OK, OK, so now that's out of the way, I chose the winners by cutting and pasting all the comments into Microsoft Excel. This worked out to over 1600 rows as most comments would go for more than one row. Then I went into the Random Number Generator and had it generate a number between 1 and 1700. I then matched the number it generated with the closest owner of the row number. It seemed to be quicker than printing out the comments and hand numbering each one.
So, the first winner is (drumroll please) - and really, truly, this is completely coincidental, but maybe karma does take effect, Paper Whimsy who is the blogger who inspired me to donate to charity. The random number generator spit out 518 and she was at 519.
And the second winner (for a tin I haven't finished yet) is Betty Jo at line number 882. She wasn't participating in the OWOH other than entering so I hadn't glanced at her blog until now. She's a digital scrapbooker who also posts poignant entries about losing her husband and I'll be reading more of her story soon.
I'm going to be playing around with some more tins on the weekend. I'll post photos of those in my next entry and let the winners choose their favourite.
This has been a great experience. I look forward to participating next year. Congratulations to the winners and thanks so much to Lisa Swifka for organizing this incredible event. I've spent hours looking at blogs and hadn't realized the amazing pool of talent that's out there.
Sandy how wonderful to awaken this morning as a winner of one of your gorgeous tins! Thank you so much, and for taking the time to visit my blog. I've replied to your email.
Congrats to the first place winner too! She also has a lovely blog.
Hugs ♥
Sandy, how did I get so lucky. I am thankful for you doing this.
I love the most that you are buying mosquito netting and helping a child with school supplies.
Thank you for making this comment about me. It means a lot to me.
Sandy, I don't know how to get your email to send my information to you. I will keep trying to figure it out. If not, I will just put my email address on here after and you can email me and than I can email you back. Do you have my email address you can email me.
Love Renee
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