She was inspired by Tim Cotterill's Frogman collection which you can see here and which she saw in person during her visit to British Columbia. His are bronze painted sculptures.
Janice wanted to try her hand at making one in clay. And here is her FIRST attempt.
Isn't it a beautiful? In our small circle of clay friends we have no such thing as false modesty and we regularly send out e-mails claiming bragging rights when we've done something we're proud of. I think Janice gets bragging rights for as long as she wants them.
As I mentioned before, it's a good thing she's so nice, because it would be easy to be jealous of her pure talent. I'm happy to post her photos on my blog.
hello Sandy !!!
this is a beautifull frog, really ... wouaouh !
thank you for showing it ... bravo Janice !!
I just love the one blue toe! How does she get that incredible depth of color in the body and legs?
First attempt, that is insane.
Looking forward to my boh.
Love Renee
I, too, would like to know what you used to get that marvelous blue color!
I made the frog out of a mix of blue and green pearl (Premo) then dusted on a little turquoise Pearlex in spots. It's the one coat of EberhardFaber oil based gloss that really had the impact.
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