I've always enjoyed the brightness of Gera Scott Chandler's work but I confess to not being a floral or fruit type person (though I do love her daffodils and tulips). However, put trees in it and I'm pretty much sold. I'm an outdoorsy person and gravitate towards landscapes and woods. So I was thrilled when I saw one of Gera's latest creations and it had trees. And I was even more thrilled when she offered to sell it to me! And then to find out that I'm going to own a piece of Gera's work that's going to be famous because it's going in a photo shoot and we're talking giddy with excitement!!! I have to wait three whole weeks to receive it, that's 21 days, or, hang on as I get my calculator out, 500 hours.
I suppose I can just look at another beautiful piece that I have from Gera that she sent as a thank you for hosting last year's Christmas swap, but it doesn't have trees in it. I also have two of Gera's ornaments but they're tucked safely away in my ornament boxes.
I missed out on taking a class from Gera the year before last and I've regretted it since. Two of my friends, Barb, and Janice, took the class and have rubbed it in my face ever since. Gera is a wonderful teacher with a kind and generous spirit (or so I'm told constantly and hope to find out some day).
On a side note, the One World One Heart stuff has been so very time consuming with over 400 artists now entered and having to stop by and see all their creations. What a wonderful pool of talent out there. We've got seven Clayamies at the moment registered, including Gera.
I'll post more on that later because right now I just want to savour my new purchase. Please do visit Gera's site and take a look around. She's got an ambitious goal of posting a blog entry a day for the next year so there will always be something new to see.
Cheers everyone!
1 comment:
I'm just learning about polymer clay and love playing with it. I'm so glad I found your blog through OWOH! I didn't know there were so many polymer clay artist blogs out there. I'll be back to visit!
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