I am a complete novice when it comes to working on blogs. Today I noticed that I had three followers, one of whom has an active blog. Her name is Saska and she's from Serbia. Her blog started in August 2008 and I look forward to following her new additions.
You can check out her blog here: http://sasvimslucajno.blogspot.com/ I have to use the translate button that she's got conveniently located on the upper right to understand the gist of her writing.
I love these little earrings that she's made.

If you click on the "about me" portion of her blog you'll come across a wonderful list of bloggers that she's following. I spent a happy half hour just perusing her list.
That's it for now. My mother's been visiting and has been on a Bottle of Hope spree today. I'll post photos of those later.
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