As some of you have noticed, I haven't been blogging for quite a while.
A lot of reasons, but probably one of the biggest was my complete disaster of a hobby room. It's been worse than it's ever been, including worse than the photos shown here. I was down to about 4 square inches of workable space with a small trail to walk through to get to it.
Every time I tried to get enthusiastic about claying, I'd venture in, spend a couple of minutes in contemplation, and then quietly and quickly walk back out.
For some reason or other, I couldn't find the strength and willpower to tidy it. It was just such a daunting task. And every time I got more than my 4 square inches of space available, I would start something new.
I am a starter, not a finisher, by nature. It's not unusual for me to get a sweater knitted except for the last sleeve and then lose enthusiasm.
So I finally got smart and asked my friend, Janice, to help me for a fee. I've mentioned Janice before here. She's typically perfection when it comes to claying. Turns out she actually likes organizing other people's spaces. And she's very, very good at it.
It took her about 10 hours to do this. I have underpaid her in my opinion, and she thinks I've overpaid her.
I can't promise how long this will last, but it's certainly done wonders for my enthusiasm.
Oh your space looks really really nice!
What a great idea to pay someone to do it. Now you have no excuse not to do some more claying.
Finally some news.I missed your comments. Great and clean ones too. Tell Janice she did a SUPER job!
I just love tidy!!! I too was suffering from "quietly and quickly walk back out itis" It sure does make a difference when things are organized! Can't wait to see what you make next.
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