I've been doing a lot of caning, which I happen to love. Ultimately in the next few months I want to cover a bottle. Here's one I did a few years ago which sits in our hutch. The bottle was a water bottle that we unknowingly ordered on a wedding anniversary when we asked for water at a fancy schmancy resaurant. At $11 for the bottle I decided that I was going to get more for the value than just very expensive water. The waiter did look at me like I had three heads when I asked to keep the bottle, but gave in graciously and allowed me to keep it.
I would say that this was my first large caning attempt. It's actually quite pretty and I do like it.

One thing that has happened over the years is that the caning has developped a number of fine cracks as you can see in the photo above. I don't know whether it's because I didn't bake it at a hot enough temperature or whether it's just a feature of ageing clay. It probably took three years for the cracks to show up and I don't look at it often enough to figure out whether they're increasing.
The cracks are fine enough that you wouldn't notice them until they were pointed out. At some point I might be tempted to antique them with a white if the pattern continues to expand. It might give some more interest.
But that's a task for much later.
In the mean time I've been compiling my canes for my next bottle. I have a number of them that I've reduced to about quarter inch high. I've been creating two inch samples of them and baking them. My hope is that when it comes time to organizing the canes I can use these to figure out what is most pleasing to my eye for layout on the bottle. Here's a sample of some of what I've got so far. It'll be interesting to see how the colours go together and I have some ideas for interest.

We'll see.
Oh, and by the way, I've added a list of the blog entries relating to the Year of Canes on the left of my blog. It's a quick way of seeing what I've done so far if you're interested.
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