Hi Everyone,
Today I decided to make a landscape cane similar to the one that I had made a few years ago. The cane on the upper left was my very first landscape cane and I created it before I had seen Mike Buessler's video on landscape canes. I definitely did it the hard way, each bit of skinner blend that you see in the cane was created separately and each layer in the cane was created separately. That cane took me hours and hours to create but it's still one of my favourites and I guard the last bit that I have.
Once you watch Mike's video you know that there's an easier way. So I thought I'd try to duplicate the previous cane. This one took about an hour all told but I stopped several times to let the ideas come together. It's OK and I like the colours, but it doesn't look very nice when you get it to the quarter inch scale as the abstract is what stands out. You can see that in the lower piece on the right where I've put several of them together.
I've decided for landscape canes that I might like the coarser skinner blends better. I'll have to experiment on that a bit.
I'm tempted to kaliedescope the smaller cane. We'll see. I do like the larger pieces enough that I'll keep them for now.
Very nice! I don't know why, but they give me an Asian vibe. So tranquil and peaceful ~sigh~
I like it, it's very peaceful. Great job!
Wow. I just love those. I need to learn how to do that.
Sandy your landscape canes are gorgeous! Great color choices too. Makes me want to drop everything I need to do today and go make some!
(Gold medal Hockey game today... Go Canada Go!!)
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