Christmas Cakes to feed 12

Hi Everyone,
On this last entry before Christmas I thought I'd post some miniature Christmas cakes that I purchased for my mother for Christmas Day. These are made by our guild's very own Jacey Culham. She's a generous teacher and I've shown her work before here.
Jacey and her husband, Francis, have a website that's under development and will be fully operational in February. You can still click on it now here, and if you click on home a few times you'll get some different images of Francis' work. I'll post an entry when their website is fully operational.
A note on the holly wreath cake... Jacey has a lot of good short cuts and I was hoping she'd have one for me on the holly leaves. Nope, not to be. She had her husband manufacture a wee little holly leaf cutter for her. That's the type of detail that she and her husband are known for.
This concludes my 12 Days of Christmas. There is one posting tomorrow and then I likely won't have anything until the New Year.
Seasons Greetings to All and may there be moments of brightness for everyone during the holiday season.
Merry Christmas my dear darling.
Love Renee xoxo
Those cakes are fabulous! I love the teeny tiny holly leaves that make a wreath on the top of the white cake. So detailed!
Hope you are well and are having a wonderful holiday with your family. I also wish you a Happy New Year, filled with lots of artistic adventures!
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