Today when I woke up there was just a dusting of snow on the cars and patio furniture. It'll be gone in the next hour. But I thought it appropriate to post some canes that I've been working on.
I'm still trying to figure out if I like doing a skinner blend cane that allows for different colours throughout the cane. I thought I'd give another try for snowflakes since I'm participating in the
Clayamies Christmas ornaments and I have a lot of blue clay.
Here's the first setup. A good chunk of Skinner blend blue and an equal amount of white.

The next thing I did was cut out circles and snowflakes. If you look closely, you can see that the blue snowflakes go from a dark blue to a light blue with the light blue closest to the tile.
While I was doing this there was a little voice inside my head saying "you should be cutting out squares, not circles". I ignored it and didn't realize that I should have been paying attention to that voice more.
When you're assembling cookie cutter canes, sometimes it makes sense to cut open the outside portion. I did that here and you can see it. It then became very easy to wrap the outside around the inside. This would work for hearts, teddy bears, and anything else that you would like.
I didn't have scale on these images, but the circles are probably 2.5 inches across.

Here you can see the almost assembled cane. I flipped the snowflakes so that you can see the light blue snowflake and the dark blue surround of the white snowflake. It shows the colour differences a bit better.

Reduce, reduce, reduce. These canes are about a half inch across. I wasn't really happy with them as they were so I let them sit for about a week while I waited for inspiration. You can really see the colour differences in the final canes.

Last Saturday inspiration came and here are the resultant canes. I really liked the one on the upper right when I first put it together and then I reduced it too far. It's still nice, but it was a great cane before the reduction.
If I had gone with a square surround instead of a round surround I would have been able to assemble the canes together in a lot nicer format. But I don't regret the round surround since I filled in the spaces with some other colours and it adds interest.
The bottom canes are the Judy Belcher tesselated canes.

I'm still trying to figure out what to do with them - elements will go into Christmas ornaments for sure.
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