I've written before about Renee, whom I've gotten to know through the One World One Heart giveaway earlier this year. I also got to meet Renee in person when I was on a business trip to Winnipeg. We've become good friends.
Renee has Stage 4 inflammatory breast cancer and she writes a wonderful blog about the goings on in her life. I check in now and then to see what is happening with her and yesterday I was stunned to read that the last few weeks have been complete and utter turmoil for her.

Anyhow, I've offered to make Bottles of Hope for both Sheldon and Jacquie. Renee was able to give me guidance on Jacquie and I have something in mind, but I had to go looking for inspiration on Sheldon. It came in the form of one of Renee's blog entries here.
Sheldon has created an alter-ego for himself in the name of "Hector, the Mexican Cancer Killing Bastard". So I thought I would give Sheldon a physical representation of Hector.
It took me about three hours to make this guy. I didn't really know where I was going with him, but I had a bit of a Zorro idea in mind. I think he looks more like Sonny Bono.

I've been giggling all night about him because he's so cute (not the macho that I was trying for) so he's infused with laughter, which seems appropriate because Sheldon is known for his sense of humour.
I did put a bit of seriousness in it by decorating the cape with words of inspiration (stamps created by Bev, which, if you ask Marg at Shades of Clay nicely, she might start carrying).
I also listened to the Sarah M. CD that Renee had given me as a thank-you for her Bottle of Hope that I had made which you can see here. So even when Renee isn't with Sheldon, some of her spirit is infused in the bottle.
I hope Sheldon likes this Bottle of Hope.
Tomorrow's effort will be on Jacquie's bottle.
Huge hugs to Renee and her family. She's an incredible woman and I don't know how she does it.
Oh my God.
I'm not kidding Sandy, Sheldon will go crazy for this. I'm serious.
Sheldon's Mom is Jacquie (Jospehine is my granddaughter). So once the names change on here and when you are ready to give it to Sheldon and Jacquie I will print this post beause it is so heartwarming.
If this doesn't make Sheldon feel better than nothing will.
Sandy I love you for doing this.
The fun you had making it shows through and oh my God I love it. The cape is spectacular.
I love you.
Renee xoxoxo
p.s. and the H on his chest for Hector will give Sheldon a total thrill.
Now I am super excited for him to get it.
Love Renee xoxo
Laughing my head off at him. So funny.
Sandy seriously they will be thrilled.
If was Sheldon I would like him!
You did a great job Sandy! Did you not say a few weeks ago that you are not good at sculpting?
you fibber, you!
It's a great character that does inspire laughter and courage!
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