Thought I'd take a minute to post a photo of Mom's first cane. She was ashamed of it but there's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of as far as I'm concerned and I only wish that my first cane had come out looking like that. I love the colours and the feel, very stained glass looking. Mom's talent is showing through and she'll surpass me very soon.
She's very much enjoying her clay starter kits and has ordered more clay. She's infatuated with bottles and sees opportunities for covering everything with clay.
Mom is coming with me to Morrisburg this year (less than a week to go) and it'll be great fun. She's gaining confidence as she plays with the clay and I'm sure Morrisburg will be good for her (as well as a huge amount of fun) so she's less nervous about being too much of a beginner in the class.
I'm getting a bit nervous about the class I'm teaching - it seems like such a simple concept and I'm concerned that people will find it not very entertaining. But it'll be OK and I'm looking forward to all the adaptations that people come up with. I'll definitely be posting photos afterwards.
Cheers everyone. We're off to do a bit of hiking and spring flower watching.
Hello darling friend:
In a week you will be teaching something you love, make sure you enjoy it to the max.
Your mom did an awesome job.
Love Renee xoxo
Tell your mom Somebodu make a similar cane 2 years ago and that I made a bottle of hope with it and I think it's great.
As for your class, be proud cause I think you are fearless.
We are there to have fun don't forget!
Tell your Mom she did a great job and that she should never be ashamed of where she is at. You can't start at the end, you need to start at the beginning and go from there.
As far as your class, I have found it is always better to be a little nervous... it keeps you sharp. The trick is to be fine with that and not let it take over.
And don't worry about your technique being too simple. A simple idea taught really well, will stick with a student better than a complicated one poorly taught.
Be your wonderful self and you will do great!
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