Hi Everyone,
Just a short post (for me). Here is my first attempt at Sandra McCaw's canes. I did these at Morrisburg a while back after having watched the video twice and not really remembering whether I was doing something right or not. I can't say I'm overly thrilled with these (they're not really bad either), but it's entirely my fault and in no way related to Sandra's excellent teaching style.
So, a few lessons learned from this.
I was playing with the canes just to get the flavour of the technique so I wasn't anywhere near as precise as I could have been and it looks like precision is a requirement.
I really, really, really need to watch the video a couple of more times. It's a complicated technique with all sorts of rotations and cuts and, as I've already admitted, I can't do rotations in my head. As I was trying to remember the technique I couldn't remember whether I was supposed to rotate it this way or that way or even rotate at all. As I was playing with it I kept saying to myself "I just wish I could remember...".
But my video has disappeared, it's in the hands of a woman who I'm slowly converting over to a caner so I can't complain too much.
When you play with the technique the first time, choose your normal colour pallette, this isn't one of mine and I think I would have been happier with it if I had done it in my usual colours (which try as hard as I want to avoid it, always seem to gravitate to the blues).
But I'm really looking forward to trying this technique again. I'm hoping to drag a couple of clay friends over to try it. I'll post more successful results next time.